Friday, August 24, 2012


Yesterday I had to make a trip to the mall to find a few things for Canada. I was specifically looking for a pair of black shoes that I can wear with almost everything and that are to easy to walk in. I ended up getting much more because of awesome sales!

Anyways, Here is what I wore.

Dress> My mom gave it to me!
(Sorry about all the boobs Lol)
 Lastly, I tried on this skirt because Ive been wanting a pair or tights or the skirts ive been seeing with the mesh side paneling. The only reason why I didnt get it is because it was a little too tight and although I like how short it it, you would have to wear this when going to the club or something and since I no longer go to the club, it's pointless for me to have it.
(It makes my butt look huge & I love it! Lol)


  1. Dont apologise for the boobs! You look STUNNING! Y u only put one pick per outfit sometimes? We need more views.

    1. Thank you!
      I only put one pic sometimes if I take a few and end up only happy with one :)

    2. Nah your too hard on yourself. I havent seen a bad pic of u yet! ;)
