...and don’t act desperate, because I guarantee whomever you’re into actually sucks way more than you think they do. There is always something they’re not telling you that will bring them down a notch in your eyes. ”
I didn't get a proper picture of my outfit but I did manage to take a quick snapshot minus the shoes.
BTW: I hate customs.
I know it is their job to question people, but please, I am coming from the states to Canada...Not some third world country into Canada.
...and she painted their last initials and their wedding date on it. They put in two unread love letters
to each other about why they fell in love, a nice bottle of wine from the year
they started dating, and nailed the lid on the box. They promised that if
things ever get too hard and their love starts to fade, they will open the box,
drink the wine, and read the letters they wrote to each other, reminding them
of how much their love means and to never give up. I shall do that with my
future husband.