Sunday, November 16, 2014

What I know for sure.

1.) I (on a whim...sorta) moved from the U.S to Canada. It has been the most exhilarating thing I have done. You really learn about yourself, you really grow.
2.) Love is amazing, there is nothing on the earth stronger, there is nothing I love more than love. Unless you have God himself come down and tell you this man or woman you love is the end all be all, you should never halt your life or dreams for it. Love should come along with you. It should be apart of your journey. She or he should not be your journey alone.
3.) Apply for jobs you don't think you are qualified for. Before I graduated college, I was working in a position I most likely shouldn't have gotten only because I did not have the experience but I grew in that position. I know that whatever the position, I can nail it. It's all about being a fast and efficient learner.
4.) Project the life you want. This is not to be mistaken for living beyond your means. If you can project extra confidence, if you can project leadership, so. No one else will think these things of you if you don't. What you think, you become.

 *Stay tuned for more segments of what I know for sure.
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